I've been away for a bit opening a new branch. Well, it was already open, but rival librarians were running it. Anyway it's ours now.
While I was away another one of those 23 things showed up. Now we're supposed to use PluFlu, YubNub, Zoho or something. I'm thinking the 23 things is really an elaborate scheme to make us appreciate how great our jobs are compared to our foremothers'.
For instance, while I only face the daily threat of cannibalistic assault amidst a nuclear annihilated landscape, librarians in the before time faced the constant nuisance of having to create a myriad of accounts to use any teknology.
I now have so many usernames and passwords that I want to change my name to Hank Brisket and hang out in the 600s.
Zoho works well, but I already have iWÖRD on the Electronic Brain.
Hank Brisket? Isn't he a famous wrestler?
Librarians in the before time faced the constant nuisance of having to create a myriad of accounts to use any teknology.
This is perhaps why many joined A.R.A.C.H.N.I.D.- an evil organization bent on world domination.
Or, it could have been Arachnid's catchy recruitment ad.
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